When you think of state and local tax (SALT) thought leadership, what firm do you think of? 

Why don't you think of your firm?

Not enough content?

Not timely?

Are alerts too technical?

As I have been talking to different firms about providing state tax thought leadership services (National Tax Office), the following have been the key points for most firms:

  • Marketing folks in the firm need more content.
  • Tax pros in the firm are too busy to write, review or edit content.
  • Marketing departments generally hire external writers, but those writers don't know tax, so they need to interview tax pros in the firm or need tax pros to review, edit work.
  • So the cycle makes the process of creating tax content take too long, or sometimes non-existent.  

Other firms may have so much 'red-tape' that it is almost impossible to get content out in a timely manner. Some marketing departments may even think the firm needs less content or the firm should be more particular about the items it picks to write about.

Regardless of the firm, each firm agrees that thought leadership is important. The question is how to achieve its goals by making the 'right' investment of time and money.