Are You Attending the Paul J. Hartman SALT Forum in Nashville? Are You Prepared for the Robots?

I don't always learn something from CPE, but I always learn something when I talk to others at a CPE event. If you will be attending the Paul J. Hartman State and Local Tax Forum in Nashville, TN on November 6, 7 & 8, please let me know. It might be beneficial for us to talk. We can talk career, technical, practical, technology, etc. Regardless of what we talk about, it is always good to talk to fellow colleagues to get a better handle on the pulse of state taxation. Agreed? Comment on this post or send me a message and we can schedule a meet-up. If I get a big number, we can always reserve a restaurant or meeting room to have real discussions, not rehash what we already know. For example, what will be the real impact of technology on our profession? (robotics, artificial intelligence, blockchain, etc.). Everybody talks about these things like it is a good thing. It will move people from doing routine tasks and free people up to be real advisors. My question, what if everyone in a corporate tax department doesn't want to be an advisor? What if they like doing the routine tasks? Skill sets, interests, strengths need to be addressed. We need to be proactive in developing our skills to always be relevant. What do you think? What are you doing in regards to the technology wave?

Technology advancements are not about the corporation. They are about people. Real people doing real jobs. Supporting families. Supporting growth. Providing real value to the economy and public. What will technology do to our profession? Is it really a good thing? Are you embracing it or putting your head in the sand?